Please note, some pages are blank, as the site is still being populated by volunteers.
The project map is a work in progress.
Our Active Campaigns page sets out how you can help the trust!
The Planning system can be confusing, so we've written a guide.
Keep up to date with the latest Castlegate regeneraiton news.
Projects completed, proposed or on site..
A lot has happened on Sheffield's rivers since the floods of 2007... new riverside parks, residential and retail development, new fish passes, and most importantly, a whole lot of tidying up by the River Stewardship Company.
New riverside projects are now giving the Trust a chance to make an even bigger difference and get you closer to the river:-
Sylvester Street "Platform_"
Mixed use development with a riverside park and new access to the Porter Brook
One of the Trust's main activities is to organise volunteer led
clean ups of the River Sheaf & Porter Brook.

Follow our project to reveal the hidden rivers at Sheffield Station.
This page is under construction.
This page is under construction.
A page following the evolving plan for around Sheffield Midland Station.

Porter Brook Pocket Park
Matilda Street now has a new flood defence park
Waitrose Porter Brook Viewing Area,
Part of the Porter Brook Trail


Beyond the Megatron...
Demolition of the Castle Market gives us a chance to de-culvert almost 100 metres of dangerously weak culvert and make a feature of the magnificent "Megatron"